A Beautiful Solution
Printerbase works very closely with many schools across the country not only do we supply hardware, toners and consumables but also work with teachers in the classroom helping children understand the link between printng and the environment.
We teamed up with Xerox to help provide The Kings Academy with the facilities to help students grow there own fruit and vegetables, learn more about the environment and how small changes in what we do in day to day life can make a difference.
Cost-savings and environmental issues are inextricably linked, printers need toner, paper, energy and produce waste.
We cannot ignore the environemental cost of printing and being a ‘Green’ company is important to us and many of our customers. Better printing practices and a planned printing infastructure can reduce the number of devices in use, leading to cost savings and reducing your impact on the environment. Call 0161 308 5800 speak to one of our advisors and let us help you take control of your school, college or university print running costs.
Pictures of the Kings Academy Garden project sponsored by Printerbase