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Are you worried about print security?

A recent spike in data breaches in high-profile, well-renowned organisations has highlighted the importance of data protection in businesses of all sizes.

Vodafone and Talk Talk are just two of the organisations that have suffered at the hands of data breaching in recent years, raising the concerning point that the machinery that we are using may be inhibiting our data security.

Day in and day out, we rely on technology such as multi-function printers (MFP’s); they have become vital office essentials, but what’s worrying, is the fact that these machines could be putting all of our valuable security information at risk.

So, before another scandal is unearthed, IT departments must act now to improve data protection and print security associated with MFPs.

According to Kyocera, Quocirca research believe that enterprises deem print security a low priority, in spite of the fact that 60% have experienced a print-related breach themselves.

The problem is, as technology becomes more intelligent, and the machinery that we use becomes more advanced, the more at risk we are.

MFP’s have become highly sophisticated pieces of equipment that absorb valuable data and store it instantaneously.

Great, right? In some ways, yes. It’s brilliant that the technology we use is so intelligent, and this helps us perform everyday tasks with ease. However, with in-built network connectivity, data vulnerability is a cause for concern.

Scary stuff.

However, with all of that said, maintaining high levels of security and preventing data breaching is actually very simple.

To help increase security, many MFP’s now come complete with pin code authorisation, smart cards and innovative fingerprint recognition. These features help to ensure that authorised personnel only can access documents.

Machines also often come with data encryption. They contain hard drives which cache scanned document images and printed documents, helping protect sensitive information.

Another great way to safeguard using MFP’s is via the cloud print options available. Many devices now feature Google Cloud Print, Apple Air Print and so on, which help further protect your documents.

Intelligent technology does often come with risks, but if you take the necessary precautions and use the in-built features available to their full potential, then there is no reason why you can’t maintain high security at all times.

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