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Greener printing with Xerox

Sustainability and the environment are moving up on the agenda for both businesses and consumers. You might be wondering how greener printing can fit within your life and work.

Here’s how one of our suppliers, Xerox, is playing its part in making printing more environmentally friendly.

As one of the leaders in the field of printing and print technology, its refreshing to see that Xerox has a real commitment to the environmental sustainability. The printer giant has adopted sustainability as its way of doing business, aligning its goals for the environment, health and safety and striving to maintain the highest standards.

Here’s how Xerox is meeting its environmental commitments:

Printers – reducing energy use

In 2016 Xerox met its goal to reduce energy consumption by 20% and GHG emissions by 25% – a whopping 92,000 tons of carbon dioxide. 2018 saw Xerox establish its new goal to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions by a further 25% by 2025.

Every new generation of Xerox products uses less energy than its predecessor. And in 2017 every single one of its eligible new product introductions received the international ENERGY STAR rating.

Paper – promoting sustainability

With regards to its paper offering, Xerox says: “Our long-term goal is to support a sustainable paper cycle and minimise environmental impacts while meeting our customers’ exacting business needs.”

Clean air and water

Xerox has strict standards and is working to eliminate toxic materials in the supply chain. Xerox toners are non-toxic and don’t generate hazardous waste. In 2017 the company had reached its goal to reduce water consumption by 35 percent. In fact, they’d met their 2020 deadline several years early.

Free recycling program

Xerox pioneered the Green World Alliance recycling program and encourages customers to recycle supplies so you can keep them out of landfill. And this is all free. Simply follow the instructions at the Xerox Green World Alliance portal.

We all want to do our bit for the planet and Xerox is making it easy.

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